Mittwoch, 4. Mai 2016

Metal War Online: Retribution and Solitude

Dear Reader,

while trying to connect my account to the closed beta application from CROSSOUT I remembered a similar game on Steam - Metal War Online: Retribution.

I installed it in a hurry and gave it a second try, wondering why I can't remember playing it the first time. All I had in mind was a YouTube First Look-Video.

After a few clicks in the gamemenu I choose a ride and hit the "Fight" button. There was a Lobby Screen and the wait begann. And I waited. And waited. And waited.
After 8 Minutes I returned to the gamemenu and found out, that there were 883 people currently playing the game.
883! 9 pm on a normal tuesday evening! What the hell?

A quick Google search and I found myself in the steam Forum and everybody was yelling CHEATERS. Explicit RUSSIAN CHEATING SCUMBAGS! Apparently are there some cheaters in the game (were are they not?) and most of the comunity had left the game because of this.
And that's a real shame, because it looks decend.
And it's on Steam since end 2015, so it went down quickly.

I myself removed it from my HD after a second unsuccessfull attempt, where I left the Queue after 12 minutes.

yours truly

I'm cross with CROSSOUT

Dear Reader,

a neat new game just entered closed beta and you can't be a part of it.

It's called CROSSOUT (yes that's ALL capital letters) and it's published by Gaijin Entertainment.

Gaijin Entertainment is a Russian video game development company established in 2002.[1] It is the largest independent video games developer in Russia and an official partner of Activision, 505 Games, Microsoft, TopWare Interactive, SouthPeak Interactive, Sony Computer Entertainment, 1C Company, Apple Inc. and others

Other games by Gaijin Entertainment are War Thunder and Star Conflict. I played Star Conflict a little bit and  so I already got a Gaijin account. Sadly if you want to play the closed beta you can't use your existing account, you have to create an new one.

How stupid is that?

Meh, I just wait to the open beta in a few days/weeks/month and give it a try then.

yours truly

Dienstag, 19. April 2016

SWTOR and all the Races (but not for you)

Dear Reader,

I was a bit anoyed as I discovered, that as f2p player (or in my case as p2p player a long time ago) you only could choose 3 races - human (boring), cybertec (little less boring) and the Darth Maul race (or as i call the on the light side: the mudfaces. Honestly who thought "Darth Maul with his black n red face lookes great, let's give the light side somthing like that and the color selection that is made for senior people: brown, light brown, beige, dark brown and muddy shitty brown!").

All the cool races like the twilek and the ratataki (i'm never sure how many "ta" are enough to had the name right) or the big red true sith are limited to paying customers. And yeah even the catpeople and the chiss are kind of cool-ish, but even those are only playable per monthly money or from the market. Bullcrap!

But after you play a while you eventually get sick loot and one of the things you get for sure is a piece of headgear. so in the end it's irrelevant wich race you play, because NOBODY WILL EVER SEE YOUR FACE!

Other games like World of Warcraft have headgear too, but they at least use different body models, so you could seperate a Orc from an Forsaken. And that's good for fuck sake.

In SWTOR all you see in the endgame are the skinny guy, the normal guy, the steroid guy and the nonstopeater. MAYBE the nonstopeater is a cheeta but who knows?

The first toon I made in SWTOR took me almost an hour to complete with all the skin deseases (called scars), skin colors, hairstyles and stuff. But now he looks like eveybody else, just a little bit heavier, because I like him fat.

Shame shame shame Bioware.

yours truly